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Body Percussion & Rythem Workshops

Atitude and general concept of work




Orya guids body percussion and rythem in Parties, make the participants move, dance, sing ethnic & tribal songs.

She works variety of percussion & recycled prps  such as: Sticks, Buckets, and shakers.


Orya guides in a playful & joyful atmosphere, while teaches body percussion patterns, along with a freedom to create, & bring forward the natural talent and passion for rhythmical activity, as well as dance.


Workshops are designated for wide range of ages, beginning with kids, youth, adults & families.

Projects for schools and camps - 

Rythem Workshop to enhance creativity - A dance in the making 


Hence creativity is the main goal in her work attitude, group members are being asked to participate activly, by partaking in the creation process, bringing forward their individual talents, movement abilities & passion to create with their body / voice.


She has many playfull tools to elevate team spirit and consolidate a group. 


Orya's is highly experienced in working with institutes and school kids to bring a project to complition and to make a presentation or a show from a few meetings project.


kids youth, and adults, enjoy this kind of workshop, it can be adjusted to take place indoors or outdoors.



Work experience




Orya has a 13 years experience in activly guiding  groups of all ages in parties, social events and school projects.


She works with special needs children, youth from a chalanged economic background, and has a warm hearted atitude that build  trust and enable them to become open to the idea of joined creating process.


She worked for 7 years with semi pro dancers, and choreographed body percussion combined with movement &  Tap dance as a stage project, as well as  a continual process along a whole year with children & youth.

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