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About Orya Deisraeli



Oriya is a multidisciplinary artist, Musician, Jazz Singer, certified voice teacher & Percussive dancer.

She is a personal coach and catalyst for life changes.

Her work with people combines  voice, singing, movement, rhythmic elements, laughter, meditation & emotional mindfulness.


As a Voice Teacher - Orya is continually studying and exploring new and innovative techniques, bringing her students the most recent scientific knowledge. She works with the most powerful and effective tools to refine their singing technique that allows them to fully enjoy the pastime of singing or pursue a career as a  professional singer If they choose.

Orya assists her students with singing challenges,  so that they can  smoothly reach high singing notes without  change without  breaking  in their sound.

She also has some amazing tools to assist public speakers, lecturers & teachers who have speaking challenges.


Orya guides group workshops as a tool to release tension and mental barriers, and to provide a sense of release from the routine of everyday life. Her workshops  also help to develop self empowerment ,  out of the box thinking and  emotional awareness and to expand inspiration, and creativity,.



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